How to Handle Moving During Inclement Weather in London, Ontario

Conquering the Downpour: How to Handle Your Move in London, Ontario’s Unpredictable Weather

London, Ontario, with its four distinct seasons, can throw anything at you on moving day. From the bone-chilling grip of winter to the occasional summer squall, inclement weather can add a layer of stress to an already demanding process. But fear not, fellow Londoner! With some planning and these handy tips, you can navigate a smooth move, Movers near me rain or shine (or snow!).

Before the Big Day: Assess and Adapt

  1. Embrace Flexibility: Schedule some wiggle room in your moving timeline. A buffer day allows you to reschedule if the weather forecast turns treacherous. Communicate this flexibility to your movers and helpers well in advance.

  2. Weather Check: London weather can be notoriously fickle. In the days leading up to your move, check weather forecasts regularly [e.g., Environment Canada website] and be prepared to adjust plans if necessary.

  3. Gearing Up: Stock up on essential supplies like raincoats, heavy-duty gloves, sturdy boots with good traction, and plenty of towels and cloths for drying wet hands and surfaces. Don’t forget hand warmers for those chilly autumn mornings.

  4. Packing Prowess: When packing boxes, prioritize labeling them clearly. This will help with quick identification and minimize unnecessary opening and exposure to the elements on moving day. Pack essentials like a change of clothes, toiletries, and medications in a separate, easily accessible bag.

Moving Day Maneuvers: Rain or Shine

  1. Movers and Communication: If you’ve hired professional movers, discuss a wet-weather plan with them beforehand. They may have additional packing or loading procedures to ensure your belongings stay dry. Stay in close contact with them on moving day, especially if the weather takes a turn for the worse.

  2. Protecting Your Possessions: Invest in plastic furniture covers or moving blankets to shield your furniture from rain or snow during loading and unloading. Line the floors of both your old and new place with towels or tarp scraps to catch drips and prevent slippery surfaces.

  3. Creating Covered Walkways: If possible, create temporary covered walkways using tarps or large moving blankets between the entrance points of your old and new residences. This will minimize exposure for you and your belongings.

  4. The Buddy System: Assign a “box buddy” to each person helping you move. This ensures that no single person is overloaded and helps to prevent slips and falls on potentially slick surfaces.

  5. Doorways and Thresholds: Pay close attention to doorways and thresholds, which can become especially treacherous when wet. Lay down extra towels or use a scraper mat to create better traction.

  6. Taking Breaks: Moving is physically demanding, and bad weather can make it even more so. Schedule regular breaks for everyone involved, especially if working outside in the cold or rain. Having hot beverages and snacks readily available will help keep everyone’s energy levels up.

Settling In: Damage Control

  1. Drying It Out: Once your belongings are unloaded, prioritize drying anything that may have gotten wet during the move. Open windows for ventilation and use fans to circulate air. For carpets or rugs that may be damp, consider renting a carpet cleaner to accelerate drying and prevent mold growth.

  2. Floor Care: Wet shoes and boots can track dirt and debris indoors. Place doormats inside and outside entryways, and have a designated area for wet shoes to prevent damaging your floors.

  3. Inspections: After you’ve settled in a bit, take a close look at your belongings for any water damage that may not have been immediately apparent. Furniture with water exposure may require professional restoration. Address any concerns with your moving company promptly, especially if you have moving insurance.

Bonus Tips for London’s Specific Climate:

  • Winter Woes: For winter moves, ensure walkways and driveways are clear of snow and ice to prevent slips and falls. Salt or a melting agent can be helpful, but be mindful of potential damage to plants or pets.

  • Spring Showers: Spring in London can be unpredictable, with rain showers a frequent occurrence. Be prepared with umbrellas and quick-drying layers of clothing.

  • Summer Scorchers: While less common, very hot summer days can pose a different challenge. Keep yourself and your helpers hydrated with plenty of water and schedule breaks in air-conditioned spaces.

Moving in London, Ontario, with unpredictable weather may seem daunting, but with a little preparation and these helpful tips, you can ensure a smooth and successful move, come rain or shine (or snow)!

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